
General prices

Examination, consultation 25€

Specialized consultation 40 €

Repeat examination € 12

Consulation with examination (skin, faeces, urine, eyes) 35 €

Reception after working hours 35 €

Veterinarian visit to the house (50ct / 1km fee is not included in the price) 35 €

Veterinarian visit to home (using your own transport (for 30 minutes)) 35 €

Intramuscular injection under the skin (1 injection) € 3

Intravenous injection € 11

Drip infusion € 25

Injection into the abdomen 6 €

Intramuscular anesthesia (ketamine, xylazine) 15 €

Intramuscular anesthesia (Dexdomitoru) 15 €

Intravenous anesthesia (Propofol) 15 €

Anesthesia inhalation (1 hour) 15 €

Oral administration 3 €

Vaccination 20 €

Vaccination of litter 12 €

Vaccination of rabbits (when 20 rabbits are vaccinated) 18 €

Rabbit vaccination (against plague)3 €

Vaccination of decorative rabbits (against myxomatosis and fever) 5 €

Issuance of a passport 8 €

Inserting the chip 35 €

Chip insertion of litter 15 €

Thread removal 5 €

Histological examination of pathological material at LSMU 30 €

Histological examination of the pathological material LABOKLIN 42 €

Dog euthanasia from 25 €

Cat euthanasia from 20 €

Euthanasia of animals up to 2 kg 15 €

Leaving an euthanized animal in a clinic: up to 30kg 40 €

Leaving the euthanized animal in the clinic: over 30 kg 70 €

Prescription 2 €

Antidote injection (animal weight up to 10 kg) 3.5 €

Wound toilet from 28 €

Bandage from 18 €

Blood transfusion 55 €

Nail clipping 11 €

Tick removal (per tick) 5 €

Abscess opening, flushing, drainage from 33 €

Wound suture from 50 €

Fixing bandage 30 €

Plastering 25-40 €

Thermoplastic fixation 35-70€

Enema from 50 €

Ear cleansing from 10 €

Retrieval and examination of the contents of the ear canals 25 €

Blockades 7 €

Veterinary examination

Blood biochemical test (for one parameter) 8 €

Blood biochemical test 17 parameters45

Blood biochemical test 10 parameters30

Blood electrolytes test 15 €

Thyroid hormone test T4 25

Blood sampling for testing 6 €

Determination of blood glucose 5 €

Urine glucose measurement 2 €

Blood test for babesiosis 20 €

Skin test for fungus 25

Blood morphological test (leukoform) 20 €

Microbiological test 20 €

Speed biogram (bacteriological test is performed in the clinic) 25 €

Progesterone test for fertile days 18 €

Test Wood Lamp 5 €

Coprological test (flotation method) 20

Coprological test (flotation method) 10

Collection and test of skin scalps 20 €

Collection and test of skin scalps (on-site) 20 €

Urine examination (biochemistry and microscopy) 20

Blood grouping for dogs 15 €

Blood grouping for cats (vet practice) 35 €

Computed tomography at the Jakov Veterinary Center 150-180€

Cytological examination 20-60€

Toxoplasmosis, chlamydia (from the blood) NRVI 10€

Echoscopy (of all abdominal organs) 40 €

Echoscopy (single organ system) 25 €

Echoscopy (for fertility) 16 €

Endoscopy 40 €

Arthroscopy 60 €

X – ray examination (one image) 25

X-ray examination (single area-joint, chest, etc.) 45

Ophthalmological examination (intraocular pressure measurement, Schimer test, fluorescence) 12

Rabies antibody titer 64

Cosmetic operation

Removal of cat nails for therapeutic purposes (surgical) 51 €

Cosmetic ear correction (for one ear): patch fixation 12 €

Cosmetic correction of the ears (for one ear): suturing of the fascia 35 €

Amputation of the fifth finger for therapeutic purposes(for one finger): up to 2 weeks age from 10 €

Amputation of the fifth finger for therapeutic purposes(for one finger): over 2 weeks age from 20 €

Traumatology and orthopedics

Sewing of tendon ligaments 100-150 €

Osteosynthesis: intramedullary femur, shoulder blade 185

Osteosynthesis: intramedullary plaques of the femur and shoulder blade(without implant cost) 400

Osteosynthesis: intramedullary, forearm, calf (per bone) 185 €

Osteosynthesis: forearm, calf (per bone) intramedullary plaques(without implant cost)400 €

Osteosynthesis: foreleg, paw, toes (for one bone) 40 €

Osteosynthesis: shoulder blades(without implant cost)400 €

Osteosynthesis: blade wire 115 €

Surgical treatment of intra-articular fractures: with screws230

Surgical treatment of intra-articular fractures: with plaques (without implant cost)400 €

Removal of materials used for osteosynthesis 25-50 €

Surgical treatment of pelvic fractures (without implant cost) 400

Jaw fracture fixation 60-115 €

Restoration and fixation of dislocations: in a conservative way 60 €

Dislocation and fixation: surgical 150-250 €

Femoral head resection 170-230 €

Surgical treatment of patellar dislocation (for one leg): extracapsular100 €

Surgical treatment of patellar dislocation (for one leg): Intracapsular210-520 €

Bursa removal 23-46 €

Limb amputation 70-105 €

Surgical treatment of cruciate ligament rupture: formation of an artificial ligament from 310 €

Surgical treatment of cruciate ligament rupture: TPLO (without implant price) 550

Surgical treatmentof bone deformity (per bone) 520 €

Surgical treatment of dissecting osteochondritis 210 €

Surgical treatment of hip dysplasia: DARtroplasty 460 €

Surgical treatment of hip dysplasia: symphysiosis 170

DPO (without implant price) 400

Surgical treatment of elbow dysplasia: non-congruence 230

Surgical treatment of elbow dysplasia: unbound elbow regrowth 170

Surgical treatment of elbow dysplasia: fragmentation of coronary regrowth 290

Surgical treatment of elbow dysplasia: osteochondritis dissecting the femur 210

Surgical treatment of elbow dysplasia: PAUL (without implant price) 200

Meniscus removal 80-150 €

Arthrodesis 350

Finger phalanx amputation60-75 €


Catheterization: bitches, cats 30-50 €

Catheterization: cat, dog 35-55 €

Removal of stones from the bladder from 130 €.

Uretrostomy and artificial fistula formation: cat 250 €

Urethrostomy and artificial fistula formation:dog300


Removal of foreign bodies: from the pharynx from 40 €

Removal of foreign bodies: from the larynx, pharynx from 50 €

Esophagotomy: of the cervical part 230 €

Esophagotomy: of the thoracic 520 €

Gastrotomy 170 €

Surgical treatment of gastric torsion 350 €

Enterotomy 165 €

Diagnostic laparatomy 55 €

Intestinal resection 165 €

Splenectomy 180 €

Suture of the rectal diverticulum 155 €

Surgical treatment of rectal prolapse 110 €

Removal of the salivary glands170 €

Ranula surgical treatment 90 €

Suture of the palate 66 €

Obstetrics, gynecology, andrology

Birth assistance (1 hour) 70

Caesarean section operation €180

Surgical treatment of prolapse: vaginal reconstruction 50 €

Surgical treatment of prolapse: resection of the vaginal wall 90 €

Surgical treatment of prolapse: uterine resection 90-125 €

Castration: cats 65 €

Castration: bitches up to 5 kg 100 €

Castration: bitches 5-10kg 110 €

Castration: bitches 10-20kg 130 €

Castration: bitches 20-30 kg €150

Castration: bitches over 30 kg €170

Castration: tomcat 35 €

Castration: dog up to 10 kg 65 €

Castration: for a dogfrom 10 to 30 kg €80

Kastravimas: šuns virš 30 kg 90

Castration: rabbit 25 €

Castration: ferret 30 €

Removal of a cryptorchid testicle: from the inguinal canal 70 €

Removal of a cryptorchid testicle: from the abdominal cavity 100 €

Vagiscopy, vaginal cytology examination (for one time) 17 €

Surgical treatment of paraphimosis and phimosis 60-80 €


Neurological examination 50

Neurological examination and consultation (CT, MRI examinations already performed) 80

Neurology control visit 30

Surgical treatment of herniated intervertebral discs (minihemilaminectomy) 800

Surgical treatment of chronic intervertebral disc herniations (corpectomy) 800

Surgical treatment of cervical intervertebral disc herniation: ventral slot 800

Operative treatment of cervical intervertebral disc herniation: foraminal approach 800 Surgical treatment of cervical intervertebral disc herniations: dorsal approach (lateralized) 800

Surgical treatment of cauda equina compression: disc protrusion in the spinal canal 800

Surgical treatment of cauda equina compression: with foraminotomies 800

Subarachnoid diverticulum (cyst) surgery 800

Operative treatment of atlantoaxial subluxation 800

Conservative treatment of atlantoaxial subluxation (bandaging) 100

Operative treatment of spinal fractures 800

Tumor removal 800

Neuromuscular biopsy 400

General surgery

Surgical treatment of hernias: umbilical 60 €

Surgical treatment of hernias: inguinal (on one side) 90 €

Surgical treatment of hernias: perineum 150 €

Surgical treatment of hernias: diaphragms 230 €

Surgical treatment of abdominal wall injuries 90-180 €

Abdominal puncture 45 €

Surgical treatment of penetrating chest injuries 275 €

Thoracic puncture 50 €

Surgical treatment of rib fractures (for one rib) 275 €

Treatment of paraanal fistulas 90 €

Removal of paraanal glands (for one) 150 €

Wart removal 50 €

Ferret gland removal 100 €

Tumor removal: skin, subcutaneous tissue 100-150 €

Tumor removal: deeper tissues, glands €150-200

Otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology

Ophthalmological examination (measurement of intraocular pressure, Shimer test, fluorescence) 10

Surgical treatment of eyelid inversion, eversion (for one eye) 60 €

Surgical treatment of hyperplasia of the third eyelid (for one eye) 60 €

Surgical treatment of follicular conjunctivitis (for one eye) 30 €

Suturing the cornea 45 €

Suturing of the conjunctiva 35 €

Restoration of the eyeball 75 €

Removal of the eyeball (for one eye) 75 €

Surgical treatment of 3-eye cartilage deformity (for one eye) from €55

Surgical treatment of corneal ulcers using conjunctival graft 60.

Surgical treatment of verrucous otitis (for one ear), removal of warts from 55 €

Formation of artificial land 230 €

Removal of the outer and middle landing €290

Surgical treatment of ear hematoma (for one ear): puncture 33 €

Surgical treatment of ear hematoma (for one ear): suturing 110 €


Tooth extraction (for one tooth): primary tooth 30-50 €

Tooth extraction (for one tooth): permanent tooth 45-90 €

Tartar removal with an ultrasonic scaler €40-65

Polishing 15

Tooth filling 100-130

Bite correction by fixing braces 160-250 €

Revision and correction of braces 20-50 €

Grinding teeth for rodents: incisors 23-30€

Grinding teeth for rodents: molars 23-46€

DNR tests

DNA passport (when tests are being performed for the first time) 50 €

DNA passport (when tests have already been done) 17 €

Comparison of biological relationships from 1 to 4 animals (price per one) 22 €

Comparison of biological relationships from 4 to 10 animals (price per one) 17 €

Comparison of biological relationships – 11 and more (price for one) 11 €